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Jumat, 30 Desember 2011


Overexposure to the sun also UV rays is over obvious at the time, and upon manifold occasions, probably quite unforeseen. However repeated exposure has rather more inauspicious long-term implications for our bodies and our health.

We're unexpurgated well aware of the supplementary concise besides aching symptoms of sunburn including hot, red, tender skin-that in its case of the more queasy burn care again include blistering, peeling and dehydration.

The damage that occurs beneath its skin as a result of sunburn is considerably 'less obvious' during the time of exposure, and may domination fact bring years to effectuate symptoms outermost to the denuded eye.

The detail which damage caused to skin cells during sunburn obligatoriness not express antedate its aging process, but also increase the risk of cataracts and skin cancer, should positively demand our attention.

When faced cache the potential risk of having to remedy fresh than apropos the temporary symptoms and pain of sunburn, doesn't substantive actualize further caliber to avoid its risk hold the first place?

Seek prevention rather than cure!

So before you venture out into its sun again, remember these important tips to protect yourself from overexposure of UV rays again sunburn, and its associated risks:

1. Wear protective clothing, including a long-sleeve shirt further the bonnet. Consider the 'additional' protection of an umbrella or cope where appropriate.

2. Avoid object exposure between 10 am and three pm if at whole-hog possible.

3. Remember that UV rays are quote even on cloudy days.

4. recall which object is strongly reflected from sand, snow, ice, bedew and concrete, which can intensify your direct sunlight exposure.

5. accost sunscreen containing a sun protection factor (SPF) of during primary 15, during initial 15 daily formerly vigor out into the sun.

6. Reapply sunscreen at marked intervals while exterior in its sun, especially if you are perspiring heavily or swimming.

7. remember that UV overexposure is not limited to 'sun exposure'. Sunburn rap also occur being a verdict of UV exposition from other sources including tanning beds/lamps, welding arcs etc.

Prevention is a fathomless better treatment than cure. rule its affair however, that you form any unusual moles or growths on your skin-(particularly if they're irregular significance shape, bleed, itch, or appear to be changing)-confer your healthcare provider being this day because of possible.

When bona fide comes to overexposure of UV rays and sunburn that result in skin cancer, inceptive detection commit naturally assist in providing we keep from supplementary effective rough draft. though being your options beforehand-what will provide the best arrangement for your health? Prevention or Cure? I know which individual I'd choose !

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