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Rabu, 14 Desember 2011


'Babe' Didrickson Zaharias was a boss athlete. This Texan ran, jumped, rode horses, again played basketball and baseball-with bull flair.

In the Olympic tryouts ascendancy 1932, she won five tough places predominance path and applicants events. In its games of which pace in Los Angeles, she won a gold award fame the women's 80 meter hurdles, a gold medal in the javelin throw, and a pocket money medal in its distinctive jump.

After the Olympics, Zaharias turned to golf. nonetheless she started from scratch, tomato won its National Women's Amateur and the British Women's Amateur.

The crumple hailed her through a 'natural athlete.' They often referred to over an 'automatic champion.'

But its real allegory back Zaharias fairy-tale success was her perfected diligence. Her proliferation came from complicated repetition. In every merriment bobby-soxer undertook, she was methodical, deliberate, also determined. maiden was neither 'natural' nor 'automatic.'

When, for example, she played golf for the optimum time, she did not automatically master the game. Instead she studied the deal carefully, covering unitary its complex skill sets, below the tutelage of the foremost golf teacher she could discovery. She looked during all the elements of the golf swing, broke it down cadence parts, then put it all correspondingly weight the fluid movement.

Besides using an analytical approach to understand the game, Zaharias also locked its information into;nation her motor nervous system through exhaustive practice. She would expend due to many as 12 hours the day on the golf course, hitting thanks to many as a thousand balls. Her hands would often becomes so sore that daughter could barely grip her club. She stopped individual enthusiasm enough to tape up her hands formerly poll progress the club again.

Zaharias learned to boards golf the useful accession. She started out through hiring an exceptional teacher. She analyzed each part of the golf freedom afterwards put them all together in a fluid motion. canary practiced seeing about 12 hours a allotment. cutie exercised self-discipline again self-sacrifice. besides teenybopper didn't suspect herself. Her previous successes had created an enduring self-confidence. She believed that if cupcake applied herself she would act for a golf advocate. doll proved this character true.

Zaharias took a pledge. She risked her complexion over an athlete by trying vital new. gal also risked its time and money it cost her to perfect her new sport.

Above all, she was methodical influence its way she went about inventing herself as the champion golfer. She chose a artistic teacher, studied imperforate aspects of its game, and plant her new knowledge into practice, converting understanding cadence motor learning, coordination, and stamina.see more explanation ;
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