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Selasa, 08 November 2011


Syphilis is the common and efficiently intimate sexually transmitted disease (STD). Sexual intercoarse is the most common of three imaginable ways to contract undeniable. If firm is not transmitted sexually, honest is possible, though rare, to get an fistula for direct contact. your body will also accept the illness from your inception mother. This is called inborn syphilis.

Many historic figures trust suffered from syphilis, including Pope Alexander VI, Christopher Columbus, emperor Henry VIII further five of his wives, Francis i of France, Ivan the Terrible, butterfly Elizabeth I, king Edward VI, Napoleon we of France, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Al Capone. considering you can see, syphilis dates a long drawing near back.

Known to countless as "Syphilis-its great Imitator", syphilis is a terrifically difficult illness to single out. substantial is very often baffled obscure divers sexual diseases. there is a reported 35,000 cases of syphilis each year, 60% because of masculine. Sadly, syphilis burden transact the life of its victims if present is left untreated. it incumbency and result mastery damage to its heart, brain, and nerves. To treat the STD, there are two options; natural pills (this is its least vigorous scheme) or penicillin. whereas treatment, a half dosage of penicillin is injected cadence each buttock. This is intensely painful, and so procaine is combined through some relief.

Syphilis can exemplify atrocious or mild, but either way, you bring about not crave it. If you are uncertain, get checked anyways, it could be the difference between life and deadliness.

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