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Selasa, 27 September 2011


Pollsters and advertisers tell us that individuals entrust spend a fortuity removing well, trying to cure or mitigate some illness or attribute though will roughly never expend a dime preventing disease. This is important when for your immune system.

Your immune configuration is your first line of defense against immensely charismatic diseases mastery fact, against all diseases. Yet, few care about it until they thirst valid. Translation: They are facing a debilitating disease because of the sans pareil time and realize meaningful is radically malicious.

Wellwhat if we face a pandemic? That means we face a debilitating disease that has gone global and is infecting people since direct and easyperson to person delivery.

What about 'bird Flu'?

Well. What about drake flureferred to as avian bird flu, Asian bird flu, h5n1 bird flu, among different names?

crack is a lot of enlightenment concerning bird influenza these days.

flu a (H5N1 'bird flu') is an influenza A virus subtype that occurs centrally in birds. It is highly foul among birds, again can correspond to perilous to them. Outbreaks of bird flu (H5N1) among poultry are ongoing notoriety a number of countries.

While bird influenza does not usually infect people, human cases of the bird flu fistula associated with these outbreaks consider been reported. hugely of these cases have occurred from dispense or close contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces.

Distressingly, a few exquisite cases of human-to-human spread of bird flu (H5N1 further) reckon on occurred, though transmission has not continued beyond one person.

Because all flu viruses have its ability to change, many scientists are anxious that the bird flu virus could mutate again infect humans forasmuch as as to spread easily from one companion to besides.

The afterward paragraph is taken from a statement of the CDC:

Because these viruses do not commonly taint humans, masterly is dwarfish or no immune protection against them in the human community besides an influenza pandemic could go ahead. Experts are watching the H5N1 situation in Asia besides Europe vitally closely and are preparing in that the possibility that the virus may impel to spread more easily from person to person.

Did you notice the cause for alarm? factual says, 'Because these viruses fulfill not commonly taint humans, qualified is little or no immune protection opposite them.' Since we don't have monastic immunities to H5N1 strains, i are unprotected, allegedly.

Often, we don't have discriminating antibodies opposite myriad diseasesuntil they contact us. But, then again, that is its reason i have immune systems. our immune system, if healthy, protects us against viruses-include H5N1-until it contract set about antibodies to shatter them.

The problem associated blot out drake flu is simple: the people besides the ornithology which see through infected with embodied have compromised immune systems.

If you prolong the issue, you cede clear up that the deadliest disease in history is widely regarded as the Spanish Flu epidemic which killed 40 million people predominance seemly months. Scientists since believe which the epidemic was the bird flu pandemic. mark at odds words, the virus came from birds besides a germ similar to this one -called the 'H5N1' (a form of bird flu virus). Its origins? Most scientists concur that corporal originated credit Asia, due to this exclusive.

the simple bird flu (H5N1) is infecting and spreading throughout the poultry industry importance Asia. But, sharp is an initial-also rather whinging-question. Why do these bird flu strains thence habitually go into credit Asia thanks to this sole and others, including the Spanish Flu?

Answer: simply putand here is a key to understanding how to deal with bird flu (H5N1)-poultry farms are absolutely filthy. The stench from equal farms, especially those throughout Asia, boundness be picked unfolding a mile away. Those farms are packed keep secret animals which are weak veil compromised, weakened, excused systems.

Let these dual phrases embed in together: bird flu and weakened excused systems.

What about its Spanish flu? It followed globe War i. which War brought death further carnage. But, what about those who survived it? They faced the bird flu. Why?

The struggle brought untold mishap in the dissension lacerated nations, weakening excused scheme response in millions.

But, why did that bird flu trouble its united States since well? The clash brought extreme stress to its soldiers who fought its War, who were now returning from active duty.

The bird flu also brought horrible grief to millions who had already experienced loss of desired onesor, lived with its uncertainties of loss for months.

Then there's the stress of caring for the wounded, crippled, maimed, depressed or otherwise incapacitated.

affray is so draining that it brings plague with it. its plague is not belonging a reconciliation of the conditions of war. The anxiety upon individuals brought on by argument goes subaqueous over contradistinctive stresses in hoopla.

Certainly, immune plan retardation coupled with stinging post-war conditions increases the stress upon movement .opening the doorway to immune deficiency and, thus, bird influenza viruses

The horrible conditions of orient besides European poultry farms and their millions of animals with weakened immune systems is the elementary to this pressure pandemic surpassingly. The result is 'weakened immune systems and bird flu'.

Why aren't unimpaired its birds dying?

Because of its rapid spread and highly dangerous streak of the bird flu to birds, millions of flocks postulate been destroyed throughout the afflicted countries. However, which 'remedy' is not working because roving birds are carrying the bird flu to afar lands, consequently augmenting the contamination.

Interestingly, the migratory birds are not decease from H5N1 like the chickens. why? since their immune systems are much stronger, we are told by scientists.

rent that one sink juice too: bird influenza is not killing those birds ergo readily which have chin-up immune systems. Humbird flu and immune systemsCould be we have big-league here.

But, what if its drake influenza (H5N1) makes the jump to human pandemic arm? Is there a solution? allow. ace is apart. Glyconutrition. If that sounds awfully desired to be true, then consider this testimony:

'In instances of unusual, epidemic, or malignant spreading agent exposure, glyconutrient supplementation has been motivate effective for enhancing general immune functions and defense. When supplied during aloft levels than accessible in nature, sugars needful for cellular singularity incumbency take innate defense systems to a exceedingly HIGHER LEVEL which ARE effective AGAINST spreading AGENTS.'

-Dr. H. Reginald McDaniel, 'Comprehensive medical Care now Bioterrorism Exposure'

Congressional Hearing, November 14, 2001 (emphasis mine)

If you want to come across fresh about glyconutrition and H5N1 defensesee below.see others:

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