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Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011


As the tough child boomers turn 60 this year, they are beginning to confront the consequences of addition older. a afresh tour shows the majority of boomers are concerned about how Alzheimer's disease (AD) will affect their health and ethos of reaction. At the same time, multiplied boomers vocal they are frustrated with its government's and the U.S. chow and analgesic Administration's (FDA) efforts to superscription the approaching AD crises.

"These survey findings underscore the detail which when child boomers are asked to superscription the sinew of Alzheimer's in their future, they are clearly not ready emotionally, psychologically or financially," said Daniel Perry, administrative director of its Alliance for Aging analysis and chair of the ACT-AD Coalition, that commissioned the search.

About Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease, that is universally fatal, affects 4.5 million Americans and causes millions more to leave the workforce to hindrance now loved ones who eventually proclivity around-the-clock advisement. whereas the disease progresses, people suffer severe cognitive deterioration, confusion, disorientation, standing besides function alter and ultimately death. Estimates suggest that through 2010, Alzheimer's disease commit affect single in 10 people over develop 65, or 5.6 million Americans-and the fee of care consign augment 75 percent to about $160 billion annually dominion Medicare costs alone.

The ACT-AD (antedate Cure/Treatments due to Alzheimer's Disease) coalition is launching the campaign to delineate attention to the urgency of its Alzheimer's disease predicament and, at the same time, the lack of a well-defined approach sway the U.S. for swift smoothness and access to cheerful transformational therapies which could halt or reverse the disease.

"Alzheimer's is a cruel disease that has been on its behind burner of science for 100 years though no one is excused to bodily and the toll will stage staggering unless little one boomers funeral up to the threat further do of substance about it," oral Meryl Comer, Emmy Award-winning television journalist also full-time caregiver whereas her husband, who was diagnosed with AD at promote 58. "When its onset of the illness is maiden for a desired one, honest is eat up since a mark to your acquiesce future, and I am shocked because of us all."

Key try Findings

&|8226; Boomers said they constitute opening priority on new medications that could transform the course of Alzheimer's disease, feel that the FDA should give importance review to these drugs, expect its fitting to confirm whether to use them and are clear to fall for the grade of risk stash assured drugs.

&|8226; Ninety to 95 percent of respondents uttered that they would either impersonate unprepared or would find life "not profit living" if they were forced to face limitations collective to AD by the time they were 70.

&|8226; Eighty percent of respondents said that their casual savings would not be adequately to shade the fee of care if they were diagnosed further 81 percent uttered its same responsibility about their families' savings. Eighty-three percent said they are worried which the health deadweight fashion is underprepared for the coming Alzheimer's crisis.

&|8226; separate 8 percent of respondents feel that current AD treatments are energetic. Eighty percent are exact to move experimental treatments which have the potential through stopping its illness besides preserving their temperament of life, even if significant health risk were convoluted. Ninety percent of respondents felt that medications that take it the speed to preserve quality of operation due to AD patients should reproduce given the same priority review and fast-track status that its FDA gives to drugs for different life-threatening diseases.

&|8226; When provided with an overview of the FDA's current review policy over Alzheimer's drugs, 84 percent vocal they feel that additional should be done and over 75 percent feel that Alzheimer's should be made a genesis priority.for more information visit;

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