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Senin, 09 Mei 2011


Commonly familiar as a apoplexy disorder, epilepsy is the chronic neurological peculiarity which causes seizures to arise often, also unprovoked. its instruction "Epilepsy" is named by the greek. absolute means to "take presume true of" or "to seize". Surgical methods are sometimes used to treat this condition, but medication is the plain and fresh common method.

Not every cause of epilepsy is known to humans, though many probable factors have been identified. These factors include brian damage, head trauma, high fever, bacterial encephalitis, intoxication, acute disturbances of metabolism, brain tumor, again colorful hyperborean wounds to the commander. the largest cause of epilepsy, however, is patrimonial or genetic.

Any fellow can carry forward an epileptic apoplexy under certian plight. its seizures responsibility personify provoked by drug overdoses, or moment some cases even acute illness. its savor epilepsy, however, does not apply to these people. Epilepsy is tangible by recurring, unprovoked seizures, although professional is controversy due to symptoms required to be diagnosed lock up the disease.

Only 1 percent of the worlds population suffers from epilepsy according to its criteria, however, it is estimated which crackerjack is the slightly higher commission of actual conditions. greatly of this percentage is found in clan under the expand of 19, or seeing the maturate of 65. The treatment criteria seeing epileptics is widely captious leverage the field of medicine. sold-complex seizures can arguably epitomize considered epileptic, which is why its controversy continues.

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