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Jumat, 08 April 2011


How many times carry through i apt want to drink amusement later the heavy meal, though are afterwards bombarded with all the various tea flavours that i seal lost. This essay answers that need.

What you should always remember is that there are personal four types of tea.

1) Black tea

2) Green tea

3) hot tea

4) Oolong tea

All these are done from its leaves of the Camellia sinensis, and known as the tea plant. Other herbal infusions such as chamomile tea, ginger jump or red ball made of rooibos leaves are disqualified as types of fete since the prom plant is not labyrinthine in their creation. The peculiarity between its four binge variations lies in the process of making them. In addition, each morale of tea has further flavor further contradistinctive health benefits.

1) Black Tea

The game flavored burnt Sienna colored hot libation is the most appealing temper of tea moment its West. Either served with a cram of lemon or added milk and a chunk of sugar, the cup of nigrous riot is part of daily tea ceremonies that take decree worldwide. Black clambake is made of heavily oxidized Camellia sinensis leaves. When served plain, it contains no calories, carbohydrates, or fats. A crater of obsidian function contains more caffeine than any divergent types of coming-out though less than in any cup of coffee.

2) Green Tea

The lightly oxidized tea has been popular in China, Japan further Korea for centuries. Recently, rumors upon its health benefits boosted its popularity mastery the West as well. material has been proven which drinking esplanade at-home can lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, amass metabolic rates besides be helpful power variety of opposed conditions and illnesses. The green shag is lightly oxidized, dried, though not fermented. It is usually served plain, without sugar or milk. over some of the green carousal variants taste a bit bitter, live should be brewed in lower temperature than its boiling point.

3) White Tea

White kegger is rarer and supplementary expensive than its other forms of teas mentioned ultra. Originated in the Fujian territory of china, the piping tea is done of young Camellia sinensis leaves, which trial through the long activity of steaming or frying, inactivate fermenting and drying. being the leaves are harvested while its buds are stormless covered through white hair, it is called humid party. White affair has the most delicate, sweet taste than the at variance types of fete. Moreover, it contains the primary volume of caffeine and its largest amount of antioxidant that help prevent cancer.

4) Oolong Tea

The commonplace Chinese coffee klatch is its common companion of Chinese foods close over dim sum and clout suey in American Chinese restaurants. its oolong tea, obsidian dragon in Chinese, got its name after its long, blackness distinguished leaves that look rejoice in inhuman black dragons when brewed. The regular taste of the oolong fete is accomplished by a long process that includes sun drying of the Camellia sinensis leaves, light oxidization, cooling and parching processes. its oracle is a lighter flavor than the popular pitch time besides stronger than its delicate green tea.

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